传统文化        【英】

traditional culture


[1] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 118, 174, 453.
[2] Traditional Culture. via: http://www.china.org.cn/english/features/38315.htm


传统文化指一个文化群体通过思想、意识、价值观念、习俗以及制度等形式保存下来的文化(陈国强等,1990:195)。传统文化这一概念是由埃里克森提出的。在《俗民生活研究》等著作中,埃里克森以传统文化说明民俗文化的一种特征,并认为传统文化是民俗文化的精华。一个群体的传统文化的形成,往往与该群体所处的地理环境、经济结构、政治制度等具有密切的联系。传统文化体现于特定的群体,这一特定群体可以是一个超越国界的群体,亦可以是由少部分人聚居的小型社会,所以传统文化主要是针对文化上的特质而言。传统文化指特定群体内历史地形成的文化成果(陈国强,1990:195)。世界各民族在历史发展过程中形成和保持下来的精神文明的成果,都可以视为传统文化。这些文化成果包括具有民族风格的传统思想、传统道德、传统风俗、伦理思想、价值观念、审美观念、丰富的典籍和文学艺术珍品及科技成就等(康绍邦,1991:111)。传统文化是文化结构中不易变化的最稳定的部分,因此,当原始性越强的的文化与较进步的文化接触时,其传统性就越能显示出来。由于传统文化形成于一定的历史时期,不可避免地包含着旧时代的糟粕, 因此,对于传统文化,应发扬光大其中的精华,剔除其中愚昧的、封建的、落后的糟粕(陈国强,1990:195)。


[1] 陈国强.简明文化人类学词典[Z].浙江人民出版社,1990.
[2] 康绍邦.新编社会主义辞典[Z].中国广播电视出版社,1991.


1. 要加强对中华优秀传统文化的挖掘和阐发,努力实现中华传统美德的创造性转化、创新性发展,把跨越时空、超越国度、富有永恒魅力、具有当代价值的文化精神弘扬起来,把继承优秀传统文化又弘扬时代精神、立足本国又面向世界的当代中国文化创新成果传播出去。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:106

1. We should delve deeper into and better elucidate China’s excellent traditional culture, and make greater efforts to creatively transform and develop traditional Chinese virtues, promoting a cultural spirit that transcends time and national boundaries, and has eternal attraction and contemporary value. We should also present to the world China’s contemporary creative cultural products that carry both our excellent traditional culture and contemporary spirit, and that are based in China and oriented towards the outside world. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 118.

2. 独特的文化传统,独特的历史命运,独特的基本国情,注定了我们必然要走适合自己特点的发展道路。对我国传统文化,对国外的东西,要坚持古为今用、洋为中用,去粗取精、去伪存真,经过科学的扬弃后使之为我所用。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:156

2. It is inevitable for China, a county a unique culture,history and basic conditions,to choose a development path featuring its own characteristics. As for traditional Chinese culture and foreign things, we should make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China; discard the dross and select the essential; eliminate the false and retain the true, and adopt traditional Chinese culture and foreign things after a thorough scientific review of both. We should intensify our publicity of and report on the changes and developments worldwide, and the new thoughts, ideas and discoveries in other countries, so as to help draw on the achievements of other civilizations. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 174.

3. 各种文史知识,中国优秀传统文化,领导干部也要学习,以学益智,以学修身。中国传统文化博大精深,学习和掌握其中的各种思想精华,对树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观很有益处。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:405

3. Leading officials should also study history and culture, especially traditional Chinese culture, to develop wisdom and become more refined. Traditional Chinese culture is both extensive and profound, and to acquire the essence of various thoughts is beneficial to the formation of a correct worldview, outlook on life and sense of values. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 453.


例句 1:
The values contained in the Chinese traditional culture, to output your own “values”, we must vigorously develop China’s traditional cultural industry, enhance China’s cultural soft power.

例句 2:
As a great man Mao Zedong had attached great importance to analysis and research Chinese traditional culture both in revolution war or peace-building period, and had formed the concept of traditional culture with the guidance of Marxism in practice of the Chinese revolution and construction.

例句 3:
The effects of culture in spiritual home and spiritual bond concentrate on that culture not only inherits the spiritual pursuit of a country and nation’s broad masses, such as the common languages and characters, manners and customs, religious belief, thinking mode, code of conduct and so on, but also through a long-term historical sediment and accumulating over a long period, gradually forms the